done with program now what?

im done with the program, now what?

how do i turn it into a .exe or something similar so i can distribute?

thanks in advance
You need to compile it
how do you do that? i mean i compile and run it on my computer but how could i email out and .exe?
When you compile it, you create an .exe file somewhere (depends on your compiler). You might need to statically link your libraries and dependencies though.
You can send the user the installer for your runtime redistributable dependencies. (In VC++ at least that's what I do.) I never figured out how to link my dependencies into the prog though.
how could i email out and .exe?
You may not be able of sending an *.exe via e-mail as retarded security programs may block it thinking it's a virus
mab not email it out, distribute it in another way. Is the .exe named the same name, like if i had it as program1 would it be called program1.exe?

im using code blocks. if you could point me to a tutorial or another website to read something

The name is irrelevant. It's a file. You can rename a file.
I think he wanted the name to do a search for it >_>

Anyway, it should be (at least that's how it is for the IDEs I have used). If it's not, you could try looking around the the project directory.
With CodeBlocks the output directory should be ProjectDirectory/bin/Release if you compiled it with Release target

how do i turn it into a .exe or something similar so i can distribute?

Correct me if I'm wrong, you only want a .exe file so that it can run anywhere and everywhere without installing the programming language used in your code?

I'm new in programming and I am interested how to do it. Is it possible?
It certainly is possible; however I myself do not know how.
if you can't find the exe create one yourself using the command line.

compile all class files using, g++ -c *.cpp

this turns all class files into object files( ".o" files ), then link all the files along with your main: g++ *.o Main.cpp

Main.cpp being whatever your main is called, this produces an executable called a.exe which you can rename. or you can give the name you want when compiling using the output flag.

g++ *.o Main.cpp -o myProgram

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thanks gcampton, il try it tonight!
I've made the .exe that's not hard. all you do is compile it to make sure it works than you run the program. When I run it it makes it into an exe save where I saved the Source code. (Where it asks you to save when you compile it).
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