Hungarian notation

closed account (zTUXoG1T)
For what are hungarian notation ? u know this example int iGamer

for what are this i and then big word like Gamer example

can someone say me plz in easy way if its possible not in filozof mode :)

so that i can understand it.
i have tryed google but i dont understand the ppl what they say there btw i tryed without this i and it do like nothing i dont know for what it is i tryed some codes with it and without and it do nothing so why ppl using it .
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Please re-post.

I can not understand your English.
closed account (zTUXoG1T)


WHAT THEY DO ???????
It's a naming style, it does nothing
I am new to programming but I went and researched your answer.

Hungarian notation is just that, a notation.

One notation that we all use is "spaces" to make it easier to read code.

When I am taking notes in school I use my own notation so I can keep up.
Example: Because = B/C

You use the notation "np" which means no problem.

One example of Hungarian notation used in c++ is when programers come up with names for their variables

int mynumber;  // not using hungarian notation
int imynumber; // The "i" in front of mynumber tells the programer that it is an integer 

This is useful so when a programmer see a variable in their code they will know right away what kind of variable it is.
closed account (zTUXoG1T)
Thanks now i know :)
Hungarian notation has been widely criticized and, for the most part, discredited. With modern IDEs providing immediate tooltip help for APIs, the supposed need for hungarian notation has disappeared.
Agreed. Hungarian Notation is an abomination.
Also, it's a bit of a problem, in more ways than one, in generic / template programming.
One thing named after Hungary, and everybody hates it* :(

*including me :P
Check out the links at the bottom.

Hungary seems to get a lot of undeserved guff. Some pre-suited dupe at Redmond invented "Hungarian" Notation.
So you're telling me that Hungarian notation is neither Hungarian nor a notation (it's a naming convention)? That makes me sick.
hahaha helios
i loled at this ;D

Some used their code to publicize
office misdeeds:
int joeySwipedMyTwinkiesYesterday_that_FINK = 42;

Others used their code to pursue their own personal agendas:
int swfSeeksCompanionForLongWalksOnBeach_BmwM3Helpful = 29;

One unanticipated benefit of the latter was a strong increase
in developer participation in code reviews. Ultimately, though,
the social overhead of the policy overwhelmed the software
objectives. An experiment in which we embedded advertising
{int ourEBusinessSolutionKicksBits = 1;} in our source code
product line backfired, reducing sales. As our software
functionality withered, efforts to syndicate the source
code with a local TV soap opera, "As The Mouse Wheel Turns",

Our once-proud business now stands on the brink of failure.
Our new Software Architect is our last hope. She has a degree
in Accounting and Business Software. Her first policy change
takes effect tomorrow: all variable names are now limited to
six characters. Brothers and Sisters, please wish us luck ...
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