So my real question to anyone interested and willing to help, from what you've read, is this possible? What software/hardware would you recommend? Can anyone link me to useful education resources so I can further break down the process into certified steps?
As for the first part I don't like your chances, most people are too busy working or doing their own side projects. That's not to say someone wouldn't be interested but the % is low :P
You would have a much better chance at trying to find a programmer or someone good with hardware in the Forza forums if there is any.
Number 2, I have no idea really, I can speculate and say that the controllers have simple on/off 0/1 sensors in them much like a keyboard. so when you move the gearstick to gear 1, it would throw that switch on, and send to the xBox console. and so on. But you would need to get familar with Xbox API to know this... I guess C++.
Number 3, There are plenty of resources to help you get started, but really you would need to be interested in programming first to undertake this, because you could study for 1year + and still be nowhere near reaching your goal (i doubt it would be longer than that for this purpose).
I would also consider enrolling in a course if your that interested. There's basic tutorials on this site,
Additionally this is how I would go about it in your position, what you could do is splash out on an expensive set, I suggest Logitech g27, and simply pull it to pieces and stick real world forza gearstick pedals etc on a made up metal platform. because really all you would want is the circuit board contained within.
But a up up up up, down down down down type gearstick would not be sufficient for this, you would need a H style.
I know I didn't really give you the info you were hoping for but I hope it helps a little.
PS. check out some of these videos:
I've been reading up on some forums, and a number of people have suggested simply paying for a custom build. The only problem with this is most of the time you loose force feedback.
However custom builds have the advantage of being customizable and upgradable, fixable too.
custom builds can start from $500 and up.