[HELP] Curl

I downloaded some Curl libraries but where do I need to put them so my Windows Visual Studio can see them?

Thanks anyway!

You can make Visual Studio "find" any libraries you want to include.
The same general method can be used for most libraries, both source and pre-compiled.


In general, for any library you wish to add to your project:

1) Go to Properties -> C/C++ -> General
Under "Additional Include Directories", hit the drop-down array and hit "edit". Hit "new line" and then the new button that shows up (it has 3 dots '...'). Browse for the "include " folder that the library told you to include.

2) In Properties -> Linker -> General
Under "Additional Library Dependencies", do the same thing as (1) except navigate to the "lib" folder.

3) In Properties -> Linker -> Input
Under "Additional Dependencies", enter the .lib files that you will need for your project. Curl should tell you which ones to use.

4) Copy any needed .dll files to your poject directory, in the same folder as the project executable. Curl should also tell you which ones you will need to use.
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