So I'm having trouble reading the file and converting it into an array. I thought if i was declaring the random number and saving it into the array and the file it would save the number in two spot but it doesn't
so now i need to be able to read the array by month, day , year so i am able to sort it with radix sort
3. What is the fastest way to sort input.txt based on birthdays, i.e convert input.txt into output.txt ? Try atleast two of quicksort, heapsort, counting sort, radix sort.
4. What is the fastest way to sort output.txt based on ids, i.e convert ouput.txt into input.txt ? Try atleast two of quicksort, heapsort, counting sort, radix sort.
Hmmmm Cause basically my code need to randomize an input file read it from there to change it into a integer so that i can sort it and then put it into the output file