Hi guys, I'm a beginner in C++ (2 days only). I'm studying the tutorial doc in this website, and have currently read the Introduction portion to Statements and Flow Control portion (and a few forum posts).
So I was practicing the things that I have learned so far, and I came across a wall. I saw this break/continuous program sample in the tutorial (10,9,8... Lift Off!) and thought to tweak it a bit with the limited things that I currently know.
(1) I wanted the user to input a number from 5 to 10 only, which will start off the countdown to ... (BOOM);
(2) I wanted to make safety precautions that if the user inputs a number below 5 (including negative numbers) and above 10, he/she will be prompted to try again by entering a number within the correct range;
(3) I wanted to practice with stringstream, by ensuring that what he/she entered is (or would be converted) to an erroneous entry if the user enters characters instead of numbers.
PROBLEM: So the remaining problem is when I run the program. It would appear that the program works fine EXCEPT when the user enters a number out of range (below 5 or above), which will then prompt him/her to enter a correct number, and if the user follows it up with a CHARACTER INPUT, it all goes wacky from there (continuous loop).
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
long long int i;
string mystring;
mystring = " ";
cout << "Please enter a number between 5 and 10 only: " << flush;
cout << endl;
stringstream mystream(mystring);
cout << "Invalid input: " << flush;
while (i>10){
cout << "Too high, please enter a number between 5 and 10 only:";
cin >> i;
cout << endl;
while(i<5 ||i<0){
cout << "Too low, please enter a number between 5 and 10 only: ";
cin >> i;
cout << endl;
if (i<=10 && i>=5){
cout << i << ", " << flush;
cout << "BOOM" << endl;
return 0;