char[] to int? oh yes. yes. indeed. absolutely.
i has char array.
char array has date indexed. Date is variable, depending on user input.
so Day[] may has 11 (11th day of month); Month[] may has 02 (February); Year[] may has 1984, etc...
I would like to now take these char arrays and transfer the contents to an integer. i.e. Day[] = {int}day; Month[] = {int}month;, etc.
the prob? is I can use
so if Day[0] is 1, and Day[1] is 1, equaling 11 (eleven), how do i put eleven into a single int?
I don't think its possible. I think I need to rewrite this without using character arrays. Just trying to salvage some work here.
How DARE you answer my question. reported.
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