So I have
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "AndrewSmithProjectThreeClass.h"
using namespace std;
void output()
string nextLine = "";
ifstream inputFile;"AndrewSmithProjectThreeInput.txt");
while (getline(inputFile, nextLine))//output the entire file to the prompt
cout << nextLine << endl;
int main()
char titleNameSelection;
char userResponse;
string clientName;
string teamMemberName;
string titleName;
double payRate;
float hoursWorked;
int invoiceNumber = (rand() % 99999 + 9999);
int count;
count = 1;
Invoice form;
userResponse = 'Y';
ofstream outputFile; //open the file outside the loop to let the user finish all the input and entering the data to the file as they put it in"AndrewSmithProjectThreeInput.txt");
while(userResponse != 'D' )
cout << "\nPlease enter your clients name: " ;
cin.clear();// using some cin clears beacuse the program was skipping some inputs
getline (cin,clientName);
cout << "\nThank you " << clientName << " Now please have your team member information ready!\n";
cout << "OK lets get started! \n" << endl;
userResponse = 'Y'; // this keeps the loop going after the user enthers in the first client
while (userResponse != 'N' && userResponse != 'D' )
cout << "Please enter the team member's name: ";
getline (cin,teamMemberName);// still need to add the not null validation
cout << "\nThank you!\n" << endl;
cout << "Now please select the team member " << teamMemberName << "'s job title from the following" << endl;
cout << "Type A: for Project Manager" << endl;
cout << "Type B: for Network Administrator" << endl;
cout << "Type C: for Network Analyst" << endl;
cout << "Type D: for Network Design Engineer" << endl;
cin >> titleNameSelection;
while(titleNameSelection != 'A' && titleNameSelection != 'B' && titleNameSelection != 'C' && titleNameSelection != 'D')
cout << "\nInvalid input please enter A or B or C or D then press enter!\n";
cin >> titleNameSelection;
case 'A':titleName = "Project Manager";
payRate = 125.00;
case 'B':titleName= "Network Administrator";
payRate = 80.00;
case 'C':titleName = "Project Manager";
payRate= 50.00;
case 'D':titleName = "Network Design Engineer";
payRate = 55.00;
cout << "\nPlease enter the amount of hours " << teamMemberName <<" worked. Then press enter: " ;
cin >> hoursWorked;
/*if (isalpha(hoursWorked)) // cant get this to validate for input type
cout << "Invalid input please enter a number" << endl;
cin >> hoursWorked;
while(hoursWorked < 0 || hoursWorked > 300)
cout << "\nPlease enter the amount of hours "<< teamMemberName << " Worked" << endl;
cin >> hoursWorked;
cout << "Invalid input please enter a number" << endl;
cout << "\n********" << endl;
cout << "**Menu**" << endl;
cout << "********" << endl;
cout << "Please type in one of the following choices then press enter" << endl;
cout << "Y- To enter another team member to this client" << endl;
cout << "N- To start a new cliet invoice" << endl;
cout << "D- To finish and print" << endl;
cin >> userResponse;
while(userResponse != 'Y' && userResponse != 'N' && userResponse != 'D')
cout << "Invalid input please enter Y for another team member N for next client and D to finish capitalized then press enter.\n ";
cin >> userResponse;
if(count == 1)
outputFile << clientName << endl; //sending the data the user just entered to the output file
outputFile << "Invoice Number: " << invoiceNumber << "\n\n";
outputFile << left << setw(19) <<"Team Member Name:" << right << "|";
outputFile << left << setw(25) << "Title:" << right << "|";
outputFile << left << setw(7) << "Hours:" << right << "|" ;
outputFile << left << setw(14) << "Hourly Rate:" << right << "|" ;
outputFile << left << setw(18) << "Team Member Amount:" << endl;
count = count + 1;
outputFile << left << setw(19) << teamMemberName << right << "|" ;
outputFile << left << setw(25) << titleName << right << "|";
outputFile << left << "$" << setw(7) << hoursWorked << right << "|" ;
outputFile << left << "$" << setw(14) << payRate << right << "|" ;
outputFile << left << "$" << setw(18) << form.getMemAmmount(hoursWorked, payRate) << endl;
if(userResponse == 'N' || userResponse == 'D' )
outputFile << "\nTotal $" << form.getMemTotal(form.getMemAmmount(hoursWorked, payRate)) << endl;
if(userResponse == 'N')// a statement that will add the invoice titles if the user starts a new client
count = 1;
outputFile << "\n\n";
void output();
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#include "AndrewSmithProjectThreeClass.h"
void AndrewSmithProjectThreeClass :: getMemAmmount(float hWorked , double pRate)
tMAmmount = (hWorked * pRate);
return tMAmmount;
double AndrewSmithProjectThreeClass :: getMemTotal(double tmAmmount)
iTotal = 0;
iTotal = iTotal + tmAmmount;
return iTotal;
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class Invoice
double tMAmmount;
double iTotal;
double getMemAmmount(float, double);
double getMemTotal(double);
I'm assuming the error is in main on line 157 but im getting these errors
C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\C++\PROJECT 3>cl /EHsc AndrewSmithProjectThreeMain.cpp
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23026 for x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.00.23026.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
AndrewSmithProjectThreeMain.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: double __thiscall Invoice::getMemAmmount(float,double)" (?getMemAmmount@Invoice@@QAENMN@Z) referenced in function _main
AndrewSmithProjectThreeMain.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: double __thiscall Invoice::getMemTotal(double)" (?getMemTotal@Invoice@@QAENN@Z) referenced in function _main
AndrewSmithProjectThreeMain.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
C:\Users\Andrew\Desktop\C++\PROJECT 3>