My question is: name global variables type of t100?
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
struct t100{
float sesta;
int cetvrta;
char treca[37];
char peta[37];
t100 *sljedeci;
void F_100(t100 *lista){
t100 *novi,*zadnji;
zadnji = lista;
while (zadnji->sljedeci)
zadnji = zadnji->sljedeci;
novi = new t100;
zadnji -> sljedeci = novi;
novi -> sljedeci = NULL;
cout << "sesta: "; cin >> novi -> sesta;
cout << "cetvrta: "; cin >> novi -> cetvrta;
cout << "treca: "; cin >> novi -> treca;
cout << "peta: "; cin >> novi -> peta;
float F_37(t100 *lista){
float suma=0;
t100 *tekuci = lista -> sljedeci;
while (tekuci){
cout << "sesta: " << tekuci -> sesta << endl;
cout << "cetvrta: " << tekuci -> cetvrta << endl;
cout << "treca: " << tekuci -> treca << endl;
cout << "peta: " << tekuci -> peta << endl;
cout << "---------------------" << endl;
tekuci = tekuci -> sljedeci;
suma += 37 % 10;
return suma;
int main(){
char dalje;
t100 *lista = new t100;
lista -> sljedeci = NULL;
cout << "Dalje (d/n)? ";
cin >> dalje;
} while (dalje=='d');
cout << "--------" << endl;
cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
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I don't know how to explain it better. I need to name from previous code global variables type of struct.
You create a variable of type t100 just like any other variable. For example:
t100 myVar;
Yes, pretty simple, but where are global variables with type t100 in code? Is it in struct (for ex. float sesta) or something else?
Or is it t100 *sljedeci; ?
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