Issue with Function for a UNO Game;

Ok so I have this function that takes in a Stack of Cards pointer and a Deck reference.

  void Update(Stack<Card>* _Discard, Deck& _Deck);

I have an ABC called Player, and the Derived classes are Computer and Human.

So Human::Update():

This method should ask the user to play a valid card (based on the Rules) and if not, then draw one from the Deck. If the card drawn is valid, then it is immediately played.

and Computer::Update():

This method should have the computer play a valid card (based on the Rules) and if not, then draw one from the Deck. If the card drawn is valid, then it is immediately played.

ok so all I need to finish is this function so I can end my project.

maybe I can post the .h and/or the .cpp files of the classes So someone can help me write the function?
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