I need the user input to be saved into my array and then output the array before the user inputs the next time. I have moving things around different ways but cannot seem to get them to perform properly. I tried to cut down the code to the two functions I am having issues with.
void PlayGame()
constint HighestNum = 50;
constint LowestNum = 1;
int RandomNumber = LowestNum + rand() % HighestNum; //set for better random results
cout << "Guess the random number between " << LowestNum << " and " << HighestNum << "!\n\n";
constint attempts = 15;// limits the attempts to guess the random number to 15
int Guess [attempts] = {};
cout << "Enter your guess " << endl;
for (int count = 0; count < attempts; count++)
cin >> Guess[count];
int z = RandomNumber, y = Guess[count], r;
r = reviewGuess (z,y);//calling the function that determines the results
switch (r)//switch statement for function results, letting the user know if they matched the number, if the number is higher, or lower
case 0:
cout << "You Win!!" << endl;
cout << "\n";
case 1:
cout << "The number is higher than your guess" << endl;
case -1:
cout << "The number is lower than your guess" <<endl;
if (count == 15)
cout << "Sorry, no guesses remain. The random number was... " << RandomNumber << "!";//so the user can see the random number at the end of their attempts
cout << "\n";
int DisplayGuess(int member[])
for(int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
cout << "\nGuess " << i + 1 << ": " << member[i];
cout << endl;