I'm working on a UNO Game, I have all methods and classes set up, just need help with the gameplay

I have this assignment due later on tonight, and I have all the classes, methods and data members all set up just need help with gameplay. I haven't started the code for gameplay yet because i dont know how to start so. Maybe I can post here the headers and cpp files from the classes so you guys can help me?

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If the code is short (less than 100 lines) you can paste it here [code]between code tags[/code]. Otherwise, you can link us to it on https://gist.github.com/ - make sure to set the language for each file as C++.

What specifically about the gameplay do you need help with? The rules of UNO are pretty straightforward IIRC.
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Well, yeah Rules are pretty straightforward, I practically started coding like a month ago, so everything is still new to me.

I'm going to use the site there you linked me, cause It's way more than 100 lines
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