
Hallo, my name is Lyubomir. I am student at University of Vienna. I took all my exams i have only c++. I would like to ask you, how can I learn fast c++. Can you give me please tipps. Should I read more books or more programing.

Thanks for the Answers!

Best Regards
Lyubomir Svetozarov
I think the forum here could help you.
Help other people with their problems and read answers for solution.


grab your keyboard and start typing :)
if I could give you a good advise simply look at c++ quiz on the net and c++ interviews.
There is also code challenges , look for the ant challenge from Google .
closed account (18hRX9L8)
No one learns C++ "fast", it takes time. You can learn the basics through our tutorial in a "short" amount of time, but experienced programmers will tell you that even after years of using C++ in real-world applications, they still learn new things. Don't be discouraged by this though. If you have the passion to learn then you will amass a great amount of knowledge. Go ahead and read some books, go through our beginners tutorial, tackle challenging problems, build programs related to problems you are interested in, attend hackathons, and eventually help out other people on the forum. There are so many ways to learn and get involved. Just remember that learning any language takes time, experience, and full immersion.

Also you should learn how to search with Google. It'll save you time and energy as a ton of questions have already been answered online and are waiting to be perused.
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