Giving Truth Value

How do I give truth value to a C++ Statement?

This is an example

Give the truth value for statements:
If the values given are: a=5, b=2, c=9, d=13

1. a > b
2. a == b
3. a + b != c + d
4. b % a == c % d

It's asking you to tell the result of the expression, you need to repond if a>b is true or false.
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
1. a > b Is that true or false given the values stated for a, b, c & d?

2. a == b Is that true or false given the values stated for a, b, c & d?

3. a + b != c + d Is that true or false given the values stated for a, b, c & d?

4. b % a == c % d Is that true or false given the values stated for a, b, c & d?
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