Object Oreintied Program using jasaw

hi I need to create a application which does the following
The application should save a list of Jigsaw puzzles that can be re-loaded at run time and edited. Information about the individual Jigsaw puzzles must include the name of the puzzle, the overall size of the completed puzzle (in terms of height and width), the number of pieces, whether any pieces are missing, the date the puzzle was last completed and a ‘difficulty’ rating (Easy, Medium, Hard or Very Hard).
The application should enable browsing the whole list, browsing by difficulty or number of pieces, adding and deleting puzzles and editing the ‘date’ and ‘missing pieces’ fields.
In writing the program you must make use of the Object Orientation, event and exception handling facilities available in the language

since I am new to C ++ I do not know where to start and how to get start in visual studios I hope you could give me some tips
this is not an assignment for a beginner, sounds like you have either been slacking off or your course is too fast paced.
To start with I would write pseudocode solution or UML (pseudocode is easier, an English like solution) so you can focus on design rather than what syntax to use.
Secondly make sure you get yourself familar with VC++, by creating small sample programs and testing to make sure your compiler is working and you can create projects etc. read a couple sample tutorials.

If you can at least do up the pseudocode for the assignment then people can direct you how to solve this syntax wise. Or any specific questions you encounter.
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thanks will do that
I have started the design and urgently need help I am completely stuck I started the writing the of the code but i am stuck here is what I got
NewJigsaw (puzzleName, sizeOfPuzzle (in terms of height and width), numOfPieces, missingPieces, rating)

AdminJigsaw (ListOfPuzzles, brosweByRating, editDate, addPuzzles, DeletePuzzles, editMissingPieces)

Jigsaw(puzzleName, sizeOfPuzzle (in terms of height and width), numOfPieces, missingPieces, lastCompleted, rating, listOfPuzzles)

JiasawView (ListOfPuzzles, brosweByRating, addPuzzles, DeletePuzzles, editMissingPieces)

Rating (easy, meduim, hard)
MissingPieces (numOfPieces, missingPieces)

Puzzle class
nameOfPuzzle Char
sizeOfPuzzle Int
numOfPieces int
rating char
numberOfMissing Pieces Int
hieght int
length int
total int

cin.get nameOF puzzle

Cout “enter name of puzzle”
Cin>>get. nameOfPuzzle;

Size of puzzle (hieght, length, total)
cout "enter height of puzzle"
cin.get Height
cout"enter length"
cin.get length
total = hieght*length;
cout"size of puzzle is "
cin.get Total;
numOfPieces(int numOfPieces)
cin.get numOfPieces;
return numOfPieces
Rating( easy, meduim haard, numOfPieces)
numOfPieces >= 4
cout "easy";
else if
numOfPieces <4 &&>=6
cout " meduim"
else if
numOfPieces <6
cout "hard";

NumOfMissingPieces(int numOfMissingPices)
return numOfPieces
that is the puzzle class another class

would be adminJiasaw
this class would be used to create and remove puzzles

so the add and remove methods would inhentence attributes and methods

listOfPuzzles(puzzles name, size, rating)
I dont know how to complete this method help

intrface will have

switch and case break
case 1: addPuzzle
case 2: removePuzzle
case 3: listOfPuzzle
case 4: ratings
case 5: exit

I do not how how to create methods please help I also need OO added and exception errors


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