Hi i am currently having a night classes for my degree and part of the module consist of programming. To be frank, i am a newbie on C++, hence, i'll need some guidance. This is my assignment that i need to submit next Monday. Appreciate your help from you guys.
Part (A)
Lab - 1 Problem Specification
Design a program to convert a number, entered from the keyboard, in the following manner:
(a) Centimeters to inches & vice-versa.
(b) Metres to yard & vice-versa.
(c) Kilometres to miles & vice-versa.
(d) Pounds to grams & vice-versa.
• Inputs: You should, for every category specified above, must show an input and
an output. Your display must be clear and reflect the categories with dimensions
Lab-1A Input/Output Format
• Your numerical inputs (from user) and outputs (answers) must be accurate up to 4 decimal places.
Examples: 0.0345, 0.0054, 1.2356, 55.9908, 998.4009, etc.
• Your input & output should follow the following format. These are examples for
a specific design. You may design different and present your inputs and outputs in a different way.
Input & Output – Examples
Enter the Input dimensions: centimeters
Enter the Output dimensions: inches
Enter your input value: 10.5432
Converting from “centimeters” to “inches”…
Result: 10.5432 cm = 4.1508 in
Enter the Input dimensions: centimeters
Enter the Output dimensions: pounds
Enter your input value: 0.0982
Result: Unable to convert for your requirements
Enter the Input dimensions: yard
Enter the Output dimensions: yard
Enter your input value: 1.5831
Converting from “yard” to “yard”…
Result: Your input and output dimensions are identical. No need to convert!
Enter the Input dimensions: grams
Enter the Input dimensions: pounds
Enter your input value: 2.0065
Converting from “grams” to “pounds”…
Result: 2.0065 g = 0.0044 lb
• Capture Screen shots for each case on your results; Repeat the experiment for
ALL the FOUR categories (a) to (d) mentioned in the specifications.
Part(B) - Answer the following question:
1. How an executable file is created? Indicate the steps required to generate an
‘.exe’ file. (max of 5 lines)
2. Which C library is used for taking the input from the user and printing the