while c++

closed account (ozyMoG1T)
Write your question here.

Whenever I put a lowercase 'c', the program doesn't exit. I don't know why this happen.
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closed account (48T7M4Gy)
dont you mean choice != 'C' || choice != 'c' ?
closed account (ozyMoG1T)
It didn't work if I putchoice != 'C' || choice != 'c' .

But when I use choice != 'C' && choice != 'c' . It works when I put uppercase 'C' (it exits the program), but doesn't work when I put lowercase 'c'.
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closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Yeah, you're right about &&

Your compound if's and duplicate cin >> choice aren't helping. Why not use a switch structure combined with making use of uppercasing choice?

Modify line 65 to

else if (choice != 'C' && choice != 'c')

A hint: Remove line 68.

Another hint: Variable choice will be accessed having an undefined value when entering the loop. Use f.e. a do-while loop.
Hi mwu,

This is really the same subject as your other post, and we are now all giving the same advice all over again.

I am sure I mentioned in one of your other posts, about what to do with upper & lower case input. That is use either the toupper or tolower functions, thus cutting the logic in half - only test for one not both.

Then you won't have to have ugly, UGLY, UGLY constructs like this:

while (choice != 'C' && choice != 'c')

Sorry tcs, I am sure you understand that I am mortally opposed to constructs like that :+D lol

Did I (& others) mention using a switch for this as well ? There is no need to have the choice of C as a condition in the loop. Instead use a bool quit variable, which is set inside the case: 'C' , now the end condition for the while loop uses the bool variable:

bool quit = false;
while (!quit) 

  // switch statement

Also, each case: should call a function - that makes it much easier to understand, primarily because the whole switch becomes shorter. Don't forget the default case to catch bad input.
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