Closing the console

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Most people have the opposite problem to me. My hello program works just fine. It closes when I press enter (or at least it stops working). So no problems there.

The problem is that the console window (where hello world is printed)[have I named it correctly?] does not close.

If cout is smart enough to open the console window, what will close it if I have to do it manually?

Shouldn't return (0) or return 0 do the job?

OS system: Win 98
Version: Turbo 3 or 3.1 Not sure which.
Publisher: It is either Borland (that's were all the files were put by default) or Norton (which has Norton's picture on a couple of publications) You have to get the program on the computer by using 3 1/4 disks (10 of them).

Thank you in advance

PS my windows 7 computer does not allow me to preview what I've written.
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