easier way to do initializer lists

I am writing a console game and i've spent more time copying initializer list contents than i have actually writing code, is there an easier way to do this? What happens if i have hundreds of functions? It seems like there has to be an easier way, I have to copy all the contents of one initializer list to anohter and then i have to do the prototype initializer list. also what if i have hundreds of classes? I have to type all that into the lists and the prototypes? Is there an easier way?

void Shop(M4* m4, Shotgun* shotgun, Player* player, Raptor* raptor, Trex* trex, Dinosaur* dino)
Those are parameter lists, not initializer lists.

A function can be treated as an abstract operation over some operands. The minimal definition for a "shop" operation only requires to know who is buying and who is selling. So the signature might be Player::Shop(NPC &). Let's suppose that Player::Shop() doesn't return until the user leaves the "buy" dialog box, which displays various items that can be purchased.
Inside Player::Shop(), there may be calls at various points to a function that performs a single transaction between the two parties, such as Player::Buy(NPC &, ObjectID &, int quantity). This function will modify the inventory of the two parties accordingly, removing or adding the specified number of a specific kind of item, as well as change the amount of money the parties have.
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