C++ or C for app development?

I know this is cplusplus.com and might be an irrelevant question but I figured I'd ask anyways. I'm familiar with the basics in both C and C++ and my focus wants to be on writing programs. In the past I've fiddled with SDL/SFML, etc, etc libraries and done some small game development stuff, and now I want to write some applications/programs. I figured I'd start with some basic stuff like a notepad, file browser, and maybe a media player.

So my question is. Is there really any BEST language to use for this type of development? My intuition says to keep going with C++ but then I got to wondering what others think about the topic.

Thanks for any and all input.
Well, for Windows GUIs, I guess that C# would be easier. For mobile, Java is the choice. For Linux, C++ with GTK or Qt is probably the best.

For multiplatform, you can try C++ with wxWidgets (might be complicated). Or Qt.

So, it depends on what you want and on the level of complication of the GUi that you had in mind.

Since most people who ask this question want some simple GUI for Windows, then it's likely that it is the fastest to do it in C# in Visual Studio, with the benefit of an easy learning curve. If you later want your app to work on Linux, you can try Mono for C#.
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