

I would like make an application which would allowed me to supervise on 1st computer what is going on the 2nd computer. I was wondering maybe to launch a specific application on both computers and somehow supervise for example a movement of a mouse on 2nd computer but still don't know how to start...Thanks a lot for any hint.

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look for distributed applications on Google.

Also wonder yourself if this local or on a network.
Do you mean like VNC?
I would like to use it on network and VNC is probably the right direction...What i want to do is to present some data in real time on a chart (I have a compressor which gives data about the pressure within the air is compressed. With this data i would like to draw a chart in real time)...and because i don't have any compressor at home i would like to simulate some data on one side (position of a mouse on client) and then present the data on server as a i on a right track?
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Is VNC not an option? Which part of what you've said does it not do?
If you simply want to try a remote access , sort of . You can try to create a UDP or TCP connection using 2 applications you have created. Then you do what you want , there is no right track it is up to you :)
Ok I will try this way. See you later :)
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