I personally prefer VC++ 2008 Express. It's just got such a clean interface compared to Dev. I used Dev a long time ago and that interface was dang intimidating. I picked up VC in a day or two.
But if you don't like VC Dev is definitely the next best, and it's very close behind.
C version is relatively new, I think the amount of java programmers that love it so much, and wanted something as powerful in C++ environment brought on that demand, so it's only a matter of time before the C++ community start to see that as the IDE to use IMO. which will in turn see more development of both IDE's.
I used Dev a long time ago and that interface was dang intimidating. I picked up VC in a day or two.
You found Dev-C++'s interface more intimidating that VC++'s? How is that possible?
Eclipse is without a doubt my second favorite C++ IDE. Mostly because of a few features such as refactoring and "find all references" that VC++ still (as of 9.0) doesn't have. Well, it does have find all references, but it's rather lacking compared to Eclipse's.
Eclipse's debugger interface is also the only one I've seen that can hold a candle to VC++'s.
I wish it was made more clear about the C++ environment to beginners. An IDE does not relate with the compiler directly. They are two seperate beings. One simply activates the other in a manner that suits you.
Compiler: I personally use TinyC or GCC / G++. On Windows I use MinGW and occasionally, GCC Cygwin when I'm testing something or the other.
IDE: I really have none. I hate them all although I use C::B and Glade (not really an IDE) the most. I've moved away from Glade since they base all of the GUI on an XML generated file which takes away from GUI startup and takes up instant resources not to mention unneeded effort to assign every widget to a variable by hand via a latteral string containing the widgets name. C::B irritates me the most since it can't rename files. I feel like slapping it across the face sometimes. It also seems cluttered but I do enjoy it's large amount of features and flexibility as well as portability.
EXPLANATION: I'm a perfectionist. If something doesn't seem right, I can spend hours trying to fix it. There are SO many ways to organize a program, I simply can't stick to one method.