GUI library for desktop biz apps and browser-hosted biz apps


I am looking for a GUI library that can be used for both Desktop apps as well as can be hosted in a browser. This way, I can target both Desktop apps and browser-hosted apps with one GUI library.

The desktop OS I am targeting initially is Windows.

Does anyone know which GUI library would serve this purpose?

In addition to programming this GUI library using C++, is it possible to use HTML5 to specify the layout using this GUI library? Further, can HTML5 be used to specify the layout not just in the case of browser apps, but also for desktop apps?

If it isn't possible to have a common GUI library for desktop apps and browser-hosted apps, what is the best approach to creating a GUI-based browser-hosted app using C++/ HTML?

If it isn't possible to have a common GUI library for desktop apps and browser-hosted apps, what is the best approach to creating a GUI-based browser-hosted app using C++/ HTML?
I do not know any library which does that out-of-the-box, but you can make your application essentually a brouser window without controls and just use HTML5 GUI. Look into webkit to do that.

Quick google search found this:
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