I have some strange errors when trying to compile my own iterator and container.
this is the error:
error C2664: 'ArtikelIterator::ArtikelIterator(Artikel *)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'ArtikelIterator *const ' to 'Artikel *'
Also, can anyone validate that this is how you would define your own container and iterator ?
It's important to define my own, since it will be an exercise on the exam.
m_head and m_tail are of type ArtikelIterator const* (the const gets
added as a result of the member function being declared const) but
the functions are declared to return a non-pointer.
This is _not_ how I would define my own container and iterator; I would
follow the paradigm used by the STL and its containers so that my container/
iterator was compatible with STL algorithms.