Program to an alphabet using symbols

Hello everyone.....
Just I need a help with a program...
The question is write a c++ program to print an alphabet using any symbol(example:*)

i.e for example

The letter A must be printed like the below

check the above link to see how the output will look like....

Pls do help me with this one
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That's crazy, but looks fun, good luck
There is no way around it but to store each letter's shape in some way. You don't necessarily need to store an array as big as the shape you will print, but you could do something like a collection of (x y width height) tuples for each letter.

For example, that 'A' could be stored as (0 0 23 2), (0 0 2 40), (20 0 2 40), (0 19 23 2). After that you just need a function to draw it.

Hope this helps.
You should do some search about what is a font file , here is a link that might help you :
I'm wondering if you can do all upper case, or do you need lower case also ?
Type in Google search bar :
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
I'd be happy to help you with this one. But only AFTER you've shown us some code you've actually written, in an honest attempt to figure it out for yourself.

Otherwise, you're basically saying, "I'm too lazy to do my homework. Do it for me."
This is beginning to get a little ridiculous.

Can someone explain why my post is reported, when (all but one of) the other useless posts here are not? Why should OP ever want to post here again?

I've been here for ages, but the atmosphere on the forum is starting to feel to me like the antagonistic, unfriendly way things work over on some other C++ forums.

NB: Having actually done this kind of thing before, more than once, I feel I have a pretty good idea about how to answer the question.
I also assume OP is not an idiot, and can write a basic program with arrays and structs.
wasnt me.
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