Windows SFML to Visual Studio tutorial problems

I need to link SFML system things to Visual Studio. They have this super-comprehensive tutorial.

Unfortunately, it hits a snag when they tell me

"Starting from SFML 2.2, when static linking, you will have to link all of SFML's dependencies to your project as well. This means that if you are linking sfml-window-s.lib or sfml-window-s-d.lib for example, you will also have to link opengl32.lib, winmm.lib and gdi32.lib. Some of these dependency libraries might already be listed under "Inherited values", but adding them again yourself shouldn't cause any problems."

and give me a list of things I need to link. How on Earth I link these things? No idea. Fortunately, they have a tutorial for that too.

"In order to link SFML statically, you'll need to setup your build environment to link against the static libraries of SFML. Static libraries are the ones with a -s suffix, for example sfml-graphics-s. Next, you'll need to add SFML_STATIC to the preprocessor option and, as always, you'll need to make sure to link the debug libraries (-d suffix) in debug mode and the release libraries (no -d suffix) in release mode.

In the past, SFML included on Windows all its dependencies into the SFML libraries. However, this was changed to eliminate multiple issues and get a commonly expected behavior (full discussion). Now, SFML behaves the same on Linux as well as on Windows, which however means, that you need to link SFML's dependencies on your own when linking statically. Since the dependencies aren't obvious to everyone, here's a listing:"

And then a list of things I need to link.

Problem. That's complete gibberish to me. What is to "setup your build environment to link against the static libraries of SFML"? I mean, I've been able to add little "-s" to the libraries in the Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies, and with little "-d"s to the Debug place, but... What? I don't get it. Would someone please explain what they mean in a way nobody on Earth could possibly misunderstand them?
I'm not an expert in VS, but if it's anything like Code::Blocks then just add the names of those external dependancies (no extra suffixes) to the same place as you added the sfml libraries.
Well, what do you know. Added at the EXACT same place as all the other libraries, at Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies, in the order indicated by the document. Couldn't they have stated this little detail?

It worked. Thank you very much. I am forever in your debt, shadowmouse.

... What, this site has no upvote button? Oh, well.
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