Matrix Header File Missing

How do I eliminate the two error messages in the code below?
The coding is from Programming Principle and Practice Using C++
I am running Visual Studio 2013 Professional.

//	C24 Test
#include <iostream>
#include "Matrix.h"   // error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Matrix.h': No such 
file or directory
using namespace Numeric_lib;  //3	IntelliSense: name must be a namespace name 
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Well, I can't think of many reasons as to why it can't find a header file. Obvious one is that the header file doesn't exist, or you misspelled it. You copied this from a C++ book? They don't always give you the complete code. Make sure you have the "Matrix.h" file into your project folder and try again.
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Thank you FurryGuy. You found the header file I was looking for.

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