Guys please help with auto-complete please !

Hey !

I'm having troubles with auto complete option. I tried to install eclipse, dev C++, code blocks,... They all have auto complete option but i can't use it. In eclipse it says in options that it is enabled but it won't work when i type the code. It worked at first and then suddenly it just isn't working anymore no matter what IDE i use. Do you know what the problem could be?

Thanks in advance!
There should be no relation between errors in the different IDEs, so I don't think it has to do with your pc or with the OS. In Eclipse try to press CTRL + SPACE: does it work?
I tried that but nothing happens, like i didn't press anything. What should happen when i press CTRL + SPACE ?
Do you know what else the problem could be ?
I also tried to use CTRL + SPACE in dev c++ and the mouse icon changed like it is doing something but i still didn't notice any difference. It's like Content Assist isn't working on any of the IDEs.
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