i have no backround in progreming .
i want to do somthing nice, spaciel
i just cant thinking of somthing and i need to give my teacher an answer about my project
i have 1 month to finish the project
i believe that the project will contain about 600-1000 lines,
The project doesn't have to have anything to do with computer programming, per se, but you can do other interesting things.
Play with prime numbers, or related number theory. (requires math knowledge. Difficulty: 2..5 out of 10)
Write a program that allows people to play Pente or Spacewar! or something across multiple computers in the computer lab. (requires gui and networking. Difficulty: 4/10)
Write a program that tracks blood glucose readings and generates a graph of blood levels (for diabetics). (requires only some basic gui and simple data storage. Difficulty 2/10)
Write a program that tests math skills in basic algebra and/or trigonometry and/or calculus. (Difficulty: 2/10)
Write a program that helps professors manage students and grades (if teachers want this, you'll get a lot of help and feedback). (Difficulty: 4/10)
Generate a timeline based upon data pulled from the internet given a topic (say, "WWI"). (Difficulty: 3/10)
Write a "pretty printer" for your professor's favorite obscure language. (Difficulty: 1/10)
Well, the list goes on. What would you like to do?
that's great!
i espacialy liked that "time line" - well i though of it , for example : enter a year and it will bring a list of events that's hapend through out history in the world.
can i integrate a link that i can click on it in c ++ ?
English is the default that i can type or i can change language? such Hebrew?
ummmm ... on the same weight , i can do it with spaciel sites to visit in the world...
i believe it will containe lots of "switch , if,for," etc.
our teacher said that every function need to be between 3-5 lines.
how can i do it if i need to give an explanation for every value
for example:
president Barack Obamma - ellacted in 2008 won a Nobal peace price etc...
every value will be like it , with is indavidual details.
string search_for_this;
cout << "Please enter the name of the event for which you wish to get a timeline.\n> " << flush;
getline( cin, search_for_this );
im sorry , but u using a string , ask a question by cout and then send to buffer
after this you tell him to take all the value.
i understand right?
as i say before , i need to do function that contain 3-5 lines .
so , im still trying to understand how to contain every valut , that every one of it contain 5-7 lines.
i need to use a txt files with xxx.h ?
the function will contain a list of the xxx. h ?
for exampe:
usa history :
civile_war.h ? ?
is there any option in this site to send private message?
any way ,
i was think of----- X O game.
a board 3x3 during all the game the numbers 1-9 will be on the screen , pressing a number will put X or O respactivley on board. also , there will be string that says who's turn to play ( 2 options : 2 players or 1 against computer )
if one player try to press a bottun thats alredy taken the pc will play sound and an error will put on screen and that u need to look for another play .
the program will identify the apuronities for victory or tay for any player. if it will idantify tay she will finish the game and ask if to play again .
there is an option to switch between the games: if or witout timer for any play , if t=0 the pc will put randomaly a X OR 0 depands whos turn .
so , any seggastions?
how is the project? how many lines is it can be ?
how am i start the project??
please direction .....
Yes there are, click on the target user's username and then you can send them a PM.
You will have a difficult time doing any graphic game without a terminal library such as curses. Even though it could be done in text it is most probably beyond the scope of your course (you'd need specialized console functions, either in curses or the windows/linux console libraries).
And we can give you ideas but we are not going to tell you how to get the job done; the point of the project is that you do the work yourself.
no 1 says u will do my project , i only ask for diraction and how to get start .
what do i need to think off while iam doin it . i dont want to do graphic even though it can be nice , the project is in visual studio 2008 .
Why don't you give the program you was talking about two posts ago? I don't mean this to sound rude but do you actually have any programming knowledge?
am a bit not a pro , i only need direction how to start it is hard to me to think of how to get start i mean i have the idea in my head , i know what to do but i cant start :(
i dont do the timeline because i dont want to get involved with the text.
How about a children's math based program that asks 5 questions, a random addition, subtraction, multiplication or division question will be asked, and will grab random numbers between 1-30. and 1-12 for multiplication. for incorrect responses you can generate a random message eg "incorrect", "sorry try again", "almost..." and for correct questions you can also produce a random message "correct", "well done", "too easy" etc, you can keep a running count of incorrect and correct answers and at the end of the 5 questions ask the user if they would like to play again. Y/N answer. if so loop again, until the user no longer wishes to play at which time you print the results:
Number of questions answered = ...
Number of questions correct on the first try = ...
Number of questions incorrect on the first try = ..