How do you get rid of processor conhost?

When I am practicing programming, I usually type what I think and try running it. but sometimes the console window that shows the result doesn't show up and the error message is something like "Consoleapplication2.exe can't be used to be written over" or something. I don't know what it would say in eng version. but it's sth like that.
and then the reason I found is too many same processors. 7~8 conhost.exe are always on task manager window, then I have to turn visual studio off and then turn it on again.

It wastes my time and lose my concentration. How can I handle it?
thanks !
It sounds like your program is hanged before terminating, for some reason. Can you post some code that reproduces the issue?
Well, actually I literally delete the whole code I wrote and then I step to next.

but all the codes I have written is all in C++ tutorial on this site, or some variables I've tried.

I remember the program used to have a panel on the right side to organize source codes in a whole entire program, but for now, it's gone or I just set something differently, I'm not sure.

I used to write a code and then make the whole code as just a long comment, and then make another source code from the panel on the right side. but it's gone now so I guess that may be a reason as reading your comment.

All I'm saying is
1. I wrote codes on the tutorial ( basic input/output for now)
2. I delete what I wrote literally.
I remember the program used to have a panel on the right side to organize source codes in a whole entire program, but for now, it's gone or I just set something differently, I'm not sure.
To show it again, it should be under menubar > View > Solution Explorer. I don't know what your translation might call it. I believe the default shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+L.

If you upload the solution somewhere I can look at it and tell you why it's hanging.
Thank you, I really appreciate it !

this is just what I said, the solution searcher (maybe a different word would be in eng ver) just came up.

I just did what you told me to, and I believe it won't hang again. but if it happens again, I will upload the photo and post the link so that you can see !

Thank you again !
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