The SetDlgItemText function requires a pointer to a string variable, a variable who's value will be used as the IDC_TEXTFORM's text.
But for all the world I don't know what type my string variable must be.
Similar problem when I'm trying to print user input from a textbox to the caption of a MessageBox like so
1 2 3 4 5
char myString[200];
char* pointerToMyString = &myString; //I have tried LPSTR instread of *char, also tried &myString[200] and even tried pointerMyString[200] none work
GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_TEXTFORM, pointerToMyString, 200);
MessageBox(hDlg, myString, "you typed: ", MB_OK); //also tried converting myString by replacing it with (LPSTR)myString, (char)myString, etc...
been messing with this for 3 hours, NO SOLUTION lol.