Using Int vs. String in Seating assignment program

I'm designing a small seating arrangement program that allows people to assign themselves to seats. The ROOM.h class knows the quantity of seats in a room as well as the assigned seat numbers or names.

There will be people assigned to these seats as well eventually.

The question is whether it makes more sense to use Integers (0-100) to describe the seats or Strings labeled in such a way like ("a1" -"a100")? Char even crossed my mind too.

Thank you in advance. Being that this is my first post ever i'm hoping this question is not too elementary.

I would go with numbers, though I might use strings if I wanted it more sorted so lets say I had a room with many many seats then I would go use a1, a2...b1, b2.......
So it will be easier for people who come in to find their seat, then they can go to row c, seat 5.

Though again I could use numbers for this so something like 11,12...21,22........
Someone could come in and find row 4, seat 22

At the end, it is your choice, which one you think looks easier.
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I would also go with numbers. You can always convert numbers 1 to 26 into A to Z for printout.
The advantage of numbers is they can be processed arithmetically without having to convert.

Thank you @ChajusSaib and @CodeWriter! I started with numbers but came across a few other similar programs in other forums that used char and strings. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't shooting myself in the foot for later on in the program.
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