error expected initializer before name

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Hello i am complete beginners in this coding language.I am trying to self learning of c++ from the book of bjarne stroustrup programming principles and practice using c++ but i stuck at this point

cout<< "please enter your name and age\n";
string first name;
int age;
cin>>first name;
cout<< "Hello,"<<first name<<"(age"<<age<<")\n";

i wrote exactly same which is written in book and cross cheque it for several time but whenever i try to debug it codeblock always says error expected initializer before name in 8th line(string first name)

please help me

you cannot use space in variable name. Use first_name instead of first name.
Hope that helps
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Welcome to cplusplus :+)

Variable names cannot have spaces in them - did you miss an underscore or something?

Hope all goes well.


Oh, and can we ask you to always use code tags when you post? Select your code, then press the <> button on the format menu. It shows line numbers and formats the code better.
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extremely thanq
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