Good book for learning C++

I have some basic level of knowledge in C++ with structures, classes, linked lists, arrays, stacks etc. I would now like a book to go forward. Till now I used turbo C. Any other IDE suggestion is also appreciated.
PS: Is visual studio good? I do have a dreamspark accout.

Is visual studio good?
Yes. It is good. You do not even need a Dreamsparc account as VS 2015 Community is free.

Isn't there some change in syntax for visual studio. Doesn't it promote visualC? Any resources which would be helpful for migration. Thanks in advance.
For now Visual Studio is has second best Standard conforming compiler (most conforming is clang which is not easy to make work on Windows) and best conforming library for Windows.

If you want you can get alternative: MinGW GCC compiler + onse of several IDE (I suggest Code::Blocks). It is not native for Windows so problems might arise. For example you will have to replace MinGW build included with most IDE woth newer one manually (Highly recommended).
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