Eclipse GTK3 pkg-config

I am trying to make a window-application using GTK3 in Eclipse in C++. I am following this website:

However, in step 3 I get an empty list on the Pkg-Config tab. I tried to install GTK using the script on this website:

It installs correctly, but has the following message:
PATH does not contain /Users/bjornchinfosieeuw/.local/bin, it is recommended that you add that.

What do I have to do to get my Eclipse project working?
You have to add that to your path, try running this commmand:

Edit: try this as well.
If that does not work type this into the Terminal sudo vi /etc/paths
Type in your password if prompted.
You will see a list of paths, edit them so the /Users/bjornchinfosieeuw/.local/bin is entered above /usr/bin
Save and quit by typing a colon : then wq and hit enter
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I did that now, but my Pkg-config tab (Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Settings > Pkg-config) is still empty. What to do now?
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Have you tried installing it using yum?
sudo yum install gtk3
I have made these changes in vi now. The Pkg-config tab is still empty. Can you explain me some more?
Now I get:
sudo: yum: command not found

So how to install yum?
Are you on mac os x? Or debian. Use apt-get on debian or if you are on mac os x then look into homebrew:

brew install gtk+3
Yes I am on MacOS X. I installed gtk+3 now using brew. But Pkg-config tab is still empty.
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