
if (argc >= 3)
cout << "P" << endl;
return 0;

if (argc == 2)

ifstream file(argv[1]);
if (!file)

cout << "F" << endl;
return 0;

errorchecking: while (file >> i)
if (i < 0 || i>15)

cout << "Y" << endl;
goto errorchecking;

/*FILE *fpipe;
char line[256] = {};

fpipe = (FILE*)_popen(command, "r"); // attempt to open pipe and execute a command
if (fpipe != NULL) // check that the pipe opened correctly
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fpipe))
{ // do nothing here, or print out debug data
cout << line; // print out OUSB data for debug purposes
_pclose(fpipe); // close pipe
FILE *fpipe;
stringstream myStringStream; // Very useful for converting different data types (helpful for string concatenation here)
string myString;
int myValue = i; // Value to write to PORTB
myStringStream.str(""); // Clear if used before.
myStringStream << myValue;
myString = "ousb -r io PORTB " + myStringStream.str();
if (!(fpipe = (FILE*)_popen(myString.c_str(), "r")))
{ // error if fpipe returns NULL
cout << "Problems with pipe" << endl;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fpipe))
cout << line;


I don't see a question here.
Please put you code part in code block so it more readable.:)

  // Your code // 

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