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Chapter 11, Programming Challenge 13: Drink Machine Simulator
Written by:
// **************************************************************************************
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// system
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// **************************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************************
const int NUM_DRINKS = 5;
// **************************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************************
struct Drink
string name; // Drink name
double price; // Price of the drink
int num; // Number of cans in the machine
Drink Beverage;
// **************************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************************
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// GetChoice
// This function gets the user's choice and returns that value minus one.
// This adjustment is made because the value will be used as a subscript
// into the Drink array by the transaction function.
int GetChoice(Drink m[])
// local constants
// local variables
int choice;
// Display a list of drinks preceded by a number. This will be the menu.
// cout << "Put code here to DISPLAY the list of available drinks and prices" << endl;
cout << " Please select a drink by pressing on the corresponding number" << endl;
cout << " 1. Cola: .75cents " << endl;
cout << " 2. Root Beer : .75cents " << endl;
cout << " 3. Lemon Lime: .75cents " << endl;
cout << " 4. Grape Soda : .80cents " << endl;
cout << " 5. Cream Soda : .80cents " << endl;
// Display the last menu item, which is to leave the drink machine.
cout << (NUM_DRINKS + 1) << " Leave the drink machine\n\n";
// Get the user's choice.
cin >> choice;
// Validate the choice.
if (choice > 6 || choice < 1)
cout << " Please choose a valid option. ";
// Return the choice
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ProcessTransaction
// Process the user's choice and update the earnings variable
void ProcessTransaction(Drink m[], int choice, double &earnings)
float moneyRecieved;
float change;
// If the selected drink is sold out, display a message and get out of this function.
// otherwise
// Get some money from the customer. (ie. have the user input up to 1.00)
cout << " Please enter an amount less than $1.00 to pay for your drink. ";
cin >> moneyRecieved;
// Make sure the customer entered at least enough for the selected drink, and no more than $1.00.
if (moneyRecieved < 0 || moneyRecieved > 1)
cout << " Sorry. This vending machine does not accept money over $1.00. ";
// Process the selection and give back any change that is due.
change = moneyRecieved - Beverage.price - 1;
// if theMoneyReceived >= thePriceOfTheSelectedItem
// Dispense the drink message
// Calculate any change that is due.
// If change is due, give it to the customer.
// Update our earnings.
// Decrease the number of cans of the selected drink currently in the machine.
// Display the number of cans of this drink currently in the machine.
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// main
int main()
// local variables
int choice = 0; // Menu choice
double earnings = 0.0; // Drink machine earnings
Drink machine[NUM_DRINKS] = // Array of drinks in the machine
// name cost quantityAvailable
// ----------- ---- -----------------
{ "Cola ", 0.75, 20 },
{ "Root Beer", 0.75, 20 },
{ "Lemon-Lime", 0.75, 20 },
{ "Grape Soda", 0.80, 20 },
{ "Cream Soda", 0.80, 20 }
// initialization
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); // Set the floating-point output formatting.
// Display the menu and process the user's choice.
choice = GetChoice(machine); // get the customer's choice
if (choice != NUM_DRINKS)
ProcessTransaction(machine, choice, earnings); // Process the transaction.
} while (choice != NUM_DRINKS);
// Display the machine's total earnings
cout << "Total earnings: $" << earnings << endl;
return 0;