Please, only for programming beginners. -------------------------------------------------------

Programming for Beginners book – for free at Amazon Giveaway

We are giving away two free books to two lucky readers of this forum!

Every tenth click wins a free book. Only persons from US are eligible. No shipping costs.

If you don't win, and you really want the book, just create another Amazon account!

And remember, if you don’t win, you can always take a look at the first hundred pages online, available at:

Wish you a happy day!
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Come on, people. It's free! No one wants to get a book?
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Personally, even if I were interested this part right here:
P.O. Boxes are not eligible.
is the deal breaker. What possible reason could you have for excluding P.O. boxes?
It's not me, it's Amazon, they are not delivering giveaways to P. O. boxes. Sorry. Is that such a deal breaker?
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It would be for me. But my sub generation seems to care more about privacy then the other millennials do.
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Beginners are the worst audience imaginable.
They are bad researchers and hardly care for anything but their own posts.
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