is making the
command loose one character in the name at the first round of the do loop, how do I fix this problem?
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string a;
char b;
cout << " whats your name? ";
getline(cin, a);
getline(cin, a);
cout << " hellow " << a <<endl;
cout << " Again? <y/n> :";
cin >> b;
} while(b != 'n');
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Because you told to ignore one character. And it does exactly that.
Why everyone insist on using ignore, when usually proper approach for using getline after stream extraction is to discard whitespace characters only?
Remove ignore and use std::getline(std::cin >> std::ws, a);
Why you are using two getlines here? And where is the whitespace consumer std::ws?
so do you mean like this?
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cout << " whats your name? ";
getline(cin >> ws, a);
getline(cin, a);
cout << " hellow " << a <<endl;
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