Full screen

closed account (2E0XoG1T)
How to make my program run in full screen mode?
It depends what lib you're using.

If this is just some console program, Press Alt+Enter
I am fairly sure that you cannot force the console to open in fullscreen mode when you run your prog. Check Duoas's article on issues in console programming; he has a list of windows console functions there. One of them may do the trick.
You can (sometimes), which OS?
- Duoas hasn't written the article for full screen console yet -
I wonder when he'll get around to that... I'm looking forward to the rest of that article.
closed account (2E0XoG1T)
Tell me for both, xp and vista.
On Vista isn't possible, on XP call SetConsoleDisplayMode(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_MODE,0); ( you need to #include<windows.h> )
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