#include <cstdlib> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { string name; string section; string course; cout << "\nFull Name: "; cin >> name; getline(cin,name); cout << "Section: "; cin >> section; getline(cin,section); cout << "Course: " ; cin >> course; cin.ignore (); if((course == "BSCS") || (course == "bscs") || (course == "BSIT") || (course == "bsit") || (course == "ACT") || (course == "act")){ cout << "\nPlease wait"; Sleep(1000); cout << "."; Sleep(1000); cout <<"."; Sleep(1000); cout << "."; Sleep(1000); system ("cls"); } else{ cout << "\nSorry! Student from another department is prohibited to play the Quiz Master."; } cout << "\n\t\t\t Hi," << name << "\n\t\t\tWelcome to the Quiz Master!\n"; getchar(); return 0; }