I am new to this forum and this is my first topic. I have a question in regards to the pseudocode of insertion sort. I am new to programming and currently enrolled in a Computer science degree. Anyway, I find my lecturer's pseudocode very hard to understand. Can anyone explain the following pseudocode to me clearly? I really do not get what is the wallIndex in the pseudocode.
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BEGIN insertionSort (array, N)
INITIALISE wallIndex to 1
WHILE (wallIndex <= N-1)
SET temp to array[wallIndex]
SET index to wallIndex
WHILE (index>0 AND array[index-1]>temp)
SET array[index] to array[index-1];
SET array[index] to temp;
RETURN array
END insertionSort
Does this help?
Functionally the wallIndex is the same as the index, they are both pointers which index an item in the array list.
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BEGIN insertionSort (array, N) array is a list of N items
wallIndex = 1
WHILE (wallIndex <= N-1)
temp = array[wallIndex]
index = wallIndex
WHILE (index>0 AND array[index-1]>temp)
array[index] = array[index-1]
index = index - 1
array[index] = temp
wallIndex = wallIndex + 1
RETURN array
END insertionSort
Or maybe it will help if can compare it with a C++ version?