Project Idea to get from Begginer to Intermediate

Hello! Begginer here! It's my first post on forum, sorry for my bad english and for probably long post.
I am a begginer programmer, mor like a school one, for contests, maths, algorithms and things like that, no real projects until now... Or, if i think better, it is one... I made a Tic Tac Toe game with some artificial intelligence, but when i tried to remake it test driven development with MinUnit library for testing, it came up to be a pain in the ... because it's hard to understand TDD as a begginer. So, until now, i know what a begginer knows, maybe an intermediate, excepting STL (here i know just queue) and strings.
I need an idea for a project to learn, a project that is easy at the beggining but gets harder while i'm developing more of it. I need a project that makes me to learn new things, that force me to open that damn browser and search for information.
I hope i didn't bored you with my post. If you have any project idea i will be grateful, and if you have some tips, it would be even better. Thanks a lot!
How about making a data-driven text adventure game? It should have a location description and several choices. All locations, text, choices and connections should be loaded from a file, and adding new location should be as easy as writing some text for it and adding one or more choices with links to this location to some other locations. I suggest to store location info in JSON (this will allow you to practice in using 3rd party JSON libraries).
Yeah, it would be a possibility. It would be make by player entering the word manually, or i'll show the possibilities on screen and just make it to have the choice (like inputing a number)?
I suggest to settle on set of choices.
Making user enter what he want to do and parse input (like in Space Quest) would be next step.
With the set of choices would be pretty boring, cause i'm gonna write the scenery more than the code... It will be just decisional code, pretty much.
It is actually more complex that it looks at first. Remember: there should not be any text in your program. It should load everything from files and you cannot make any assumptions about amount of entries and their relationship.

So main task is to write system which will load stuff from files in memory and a system which allows you to play game. You do not need to write actual stuff aside frome some testing locations until you finish the program itself.

After that you can either make an actual game on engine you have created, or file it away in your portfolio.
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Hmm, it sounds more interesting if i'm thinking this way... I think that i'll start on this project... Can you sent me in PM a way to contact you (facebook, skype, sth like this) if I need help? I'll post on this forum too, but if is a minor problem i'm feeling bad if i make a topic for it. If there's a problem about this, or you don't want to, np :) . I go to study more now, to see how I can make it from reading from file.
You can send me a private message on this forum. Click on my nick, and there would be a Send Private Message link. One at the left and one under the post history.
I sent it, I think (it doesn't appear in inbox). It should be ok, I'll make a new topic about the game development if i find problems. :)
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