visual c++=visual studio?!?

I am struggling to set up QT for starting GUI for which I posted a thread earlier(no replies though so far :( ). what i have concluded through googling and other forums is that to install offline current version of QT for windows 8 64 bit, you must have a visual studio installed(pretty strange).

But since I am working with c++, I thought only downloading visual c++ could be fine. but while trying to download visual c++, link for visual studio kept coming across, then I realized(still confused though) that visual c++ isn't provided separately but a part of greater IDE that support many other languages. Am I correct? can we not only download visual c++ without having to download entire visual studio(6 GB file and very slow internet connection).

Please help clarify.
I don't know if it is possible to get the compiler by itself, but even if you could, you still want to sit through the (agonizingly long) VS download. (Sorry.)

Qt isn't a compiler itself -- it is a "framework", a collection of libraries for doing a lot of stuff, including helping compile. But it requires you to have a working compiler already.

Hope this helps.
Does this one not work?

Qt 5.4.2 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.9.1, 842 MB)
Qt 5.4.2 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.9.1, 842 MB) means it was build with mingw compiler.

you just need to download mingw and install it qt creator should be able to detect your compiler if there is one installed.
you just need to download mingw and install it

It has been a while, but I do not remember doing that. It should be included in the download and installed along with Qt.
i downloaded "qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013_64_opengl-5.4.2.exe" and installed it.

i Installed visual studio 2013 64 bit.

created an application and selected the Desktop Qt 5.4.2 MSCV2013 OpenGL 64bit in the kit selection.

compiler i am using is Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 12.0(amd64)

it works for me.
i have an awfully slow internet. 6gb visual studio is just too much. qt would have to wait :( till then, just continue with console c++.

@Duoas so downloading visual c++ would mean downloading visual studio after all, wouldn't it? btw I did download VS compiler separately but installing it says it requires visual studio.
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