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#First Name, Last Name, Class, Instructor, Test Score, Grade
#Lines that begin with a # are comments, not data, and should be ignored
Jonathan A., Smith, CS 161, Jones, 90, A
Beatrice G., Smythe-Wallace, CS 161, Iyer, 100, A
Sara, Michaels Dunthorpe, CS 161, Trigoboff, 85, B
Sarah, Dunthorpe Michaels, CS 161, Jones, 90, A
Stephen, Wolfram, CS 161, Insalata, 100, A
Michael, Dunce Mann, CS 161, Jones, 50, F
Julie Lynn, Rojas, CS 161, Liang, 75, C
Rosita, Riveter, CS 161, Jones, 80, B
Manfried, Von Hungerstein, CS 161, Insalata, 85, B
Li Yun, Kwan, CS 161, Liang, 86, B
Abraham, Lincoln, CS 161, Iyer, 90, A
Patrick P., Kennedy, CS 161, Trigoboff, 80, B
Stephen, Alpha, CS 161, Insalata, 100, A
Dunthorpe, Mann, CS 161, Jones, 50, F
Miguel Rojas, Blanco, CS 161, Liang, 75, C
Jaime, Riveter, CS 161, Jones, 80, B
Sigfried, Von Hungerstein, CS 161, Jones, 76, B
Tippoli, Inyala, CS 161, Liang, 90, A