I need a book that teaches c++ programming for someone who has never programmed before(a friend of mine). I'm aware that choosing c++ as a first language is difficult, but this guy is already experienced with algorithms and logic. He can barely understand some code(variables, functions, hacking away some code), but is not strictly a programmer and wants to get started with c++. So the book should start from 0, so a non-programmer can understand it. I don't know if "The C++ programming language" is a good idea for someone who has never programmed before because, as I said he is experienced with logic(if statements, loops, variables), but not with computer-related things(such as pointers, the stack, the heap, and such).
Hey TWK Amz go to udemy.com and sign up. They have tons of courses for beginners and advance for C++ or any other language you would like to learn. The courses are affordable but there are also courses available for free. The course I'm taking is very good, and teaches you everything you need to know as a beginner for C++ but also heads to advance stuff later on the course. Which will be really helpful. It's up to you though. You will know which course it is because it has 5 stars on it, and there's 8,759 students sign up for that course. You can start the course at your own pace and finish whenever you want. It's not race and it's video lectures and it's pretty much straight forward from there. The instructor is really good that teaches the course. And has work has a programmer and software engineer for over 25 years. He knows his shit lol!
There are no good c++ books for a non-programmer . And c++ is not a very good choice for beginning to program , not because it is difficult but due to it being to broad for a new comer . If you want something challenging than start with assembler . But I will recommend anyone to start with a scripting language like Python and then move to C after that you can learn any language to program. For a newcomer learn python the hard way is very good tutorial /book and is available online free.
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ Paperback
by Bjarne Stroustrup
...For Beginners—And Anyone Who Wants to Learn Something New
The book is primarily designed for people who have never programmed before, and it has been tested with many thousands of first-year university students. It has also been extensively used for self-study. Also, practitioners and advanced students have gained new insight and guidance by seeing how a master approaches the elements of his art...
The book introduces every c++ concept to you in just 1000+ pages after which you need some other book to implement the knowledge . I think they can't keep you motivated.
Stroustrup's code examples are very poor . He names the variables like this lval , rval , sz and he loves vectors and tries to fit a vector in every example he writes.