What would you recommend first?

closed account (yR9wb7Xj)
Hi everyone, what would you guys recommend first learning the basic of syntax or at least enough of the C++ syntax before trying to attempt to solve the problems, or solve the problem as you learn the syntax. I just want to know what's a good way to start. I'm a beginner in learning C++. I just finish my first semester of programming 1, so I'm very new to this and very excited in learning and I'm dedicating my summer to learning the material to get ahead of the class next semester. That way I won't have a hard time learning it. Just want to hear your perspective on this, thanks.
Your best bet is to do three things:

(1) Watch this tutorial series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAE85DE8440AA6B83

(2) Read the tutorials on this website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/

(3) As you learn, attempt to solve these practice problems:


Do 1 and 2 as simultaneously as you can. Start doing 3 when you think you have enough tools to at least solve basic problems.

Also, ask questions on this website. It helps... A LOT.
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closed account (yR9wb7Xj)
Thank you for your reply, I'm starting to do that except I watch tutorial videos on Udemy, I'm in enrolled in a class right now that is free. So I'm basically going to be learning up to Tweaking Particle Motion, that's the last lecture.
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