hey I'm really new to c++ and need help with a few errors I'm having in my program. the first problem is finding the low score in my program it only prints 0 the second issue I'm having is the average i only need it to find the the average per id number.
int main() {
int athleteid, judge=0, highscore = 0,lowscore=0, winnerid;
double score=0,sum=0,athletehighscore=0;
double avgscore = 0.0;
cout<< " enter athlele id ";
cin>> athleteid;
cout<< " enter amount of judges ";
cin>> judge;
while ( athleteid >= 0 ){
for (int i=1; i <=judge; i++){
cout<< " enter score ";
cin>> score;
sum += score;
if (score>highscore)
if (score<lowscore){
avgscore = sum/judge;
cout<<" high score " << highscore<< endl;
cout<<" low score " << lowscore << endl;
cout<<" average score " << avgscore << endl;
cout<<" enter athlele id ";
cin>> athleteid;