Overloaded Input operator and Set stmt

I have 2 functions... one is a composition of the other... and then I'm building and overloaded input operator to capture input to enter into some of the variable...when I build, I keep getting

'Steampipe::set_height' : function does not take 0 arguments for error.

First Function/class is Steampipe:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

class Steampipe
int height,width;
double steamTemp;
Steampipe (int H = 0, int W = 0, double sT = 0.0)
height = H;
width = W;
steamTemp = sT;

// Access function definitions

int get_height () const {return height; }
int get_width () const {return width; }
double get_steamTemp () const {return steamTemp; }

void set_height (int H) {height = H; }
void set_width (int W) {width = W; }
void set_steamTemp (double sT) {steamTemp = sT;}

Next Class is FIN ...

class Fin
int width, height; //width and height of fin
int pipeLocationX, pipeLocationY; //grid location of lower left corner
double boundaryTemp; //temperature of fin surroundings
Steampipe Pipe; //steampipe object - COMPOSITION
GridPt GridArray[maxFinHeight][maxFinWidth]; // GridPts - COMPOSITION
void initialize(); // YOU MUST DEFINE

friend istream& operator>>(istream& , Fin& ); // YOU MUST DEFINE
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& , const Fin& ); // YOU MUST DEFINE


Notice PIPE is composition of Steampipe.

Now I define Overloaded input operator:

istream& operator>> (istream& in, Fin& F)
char something;
cout << "Enter the height of the fin (integer) >>> ";
in >> F.height;
cout << "Enter the width of the fin (integer) >>> ";
in >> F.width;
cout << "Enter the height of the steampipe (integer) >>> ";
in >> F.Pipe.set_height();
cout << "Enter the width of the steampipe (integer) >>> ";
//in >> F.Pipe.set_width();
cout << "Enter integer coordinates of lower left corner of the steampipe (X,Y) >>> ";
in >> F.pipeLocationX >> something >> F.pipeLocationY ;
cout << "Enter the steam temperature (floating point) >>> ";
//in >> F.Pipe.set_steamTemp();
cout << "Enter the temperature around the fin (floating point) >>> ";
in >> F.boundaryTemp;
return in;

When I try to Build I get the error about the F.PIPE.SET_HEIGHT(); does not take zero arguments. If I put something in the braces, I get different errors. The Accessor functions for the Steampipes Height is defined in the Steampipe class included above.

Any help would be appreciated. I just need to figure out what to put for an argument.
Please put your code in code tags so it's easier to read.

Also please tell us what line the error is occuring on so we don't have to dig through all of this to find it.
This makes no sense at all:

in >> F.Pipe.set_height();

what are you trying to do?
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