For my programming final we have to make this "game".
It just has characters and stats and reads in movements from a data file. If the players come within 10 units, the moving player attacks the stationary player. The attack is equal to the attacking players strength * their weapon damage/1000, * the opponent's shield/100. (Yes the teacher messed up the shield stats so that the higher block amount means they actually take more damage.)
Anyway, it runs fine, it reds in the right numbers, outputs everything correctly. however, no one's health changes. I can't figure out why. Any help would be great.
The code for an attack looks like this:
Prototype: void p1p2Battle(int p1Health, int MACH_DMG, int p2Shield, int& p2Health, string p1Name, string p2Name, ofstream& dout);
if (p1Health > 0) //if p1 health is above 0
din >> move; // din the movement
p1Loc = p1Loc + move; // add the movement to p1's location
if (p1Loc > 99) // if location is more than 100
p1Loc = p1Loc % 100; // then the new location equals the remainder
// over 100
//determines if p1 and p2 are within battle range
p1p2Range = p1Loc - p2Loc;
// if the range between players is within 10 spaces
if (p1p2Range > -10 && p1p2Range < 10)
// call func p1p2battle to determine p2 health remaining
p1p2Battle(p1Health, MACH_DMG, p2Shield, p2Health, p1Name, p2Name, dout);
// determines if p1 and p3 are within battle range
p1p3Range = p1Loc - p2Loc;
//if the range between players is within 10 spaces
if (p1p3Range > -10 && p1p3Range < 10)
// call func p1p3battle to determine p3 remaining health
p1p3Battle(p1Health, MACH_DMG, p3Shield, p3Health, p1Name, p3Name, dout);
Then the functions are:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
void p1p2Battle(int p1Health, int MACH_DMG, int p2Shield, int& p2Health, string p1Name, string p2Name, ofstream& dout)
// p2 health = p2health minus p1health times the weapon damage divided by 1000.
// value is reduced by multiplying p2 shield/100
p2Health = p2Health - (((p1Health * MACH_DMG) / 1000)* (p2Shield / 100));
// outputs a record of the battle for the round summary
dout << p1Name << "Attacks " << p2Name << "." << endl;
Then just switched with data for the others. Can anyone see why the health won't change?
Yes the teacher messed up the shield stats so that the higher block amount means they actually take more damage.
slestr94 wrote:
He told us to use integers and not worry about floats or anything.
Lol motivated prof you've got there- cool base project though, with a couple tweaks you could make a simple text based rpg style style game. I've never taken any programming courses myself, but I am glad you are doing something that's relatively useful/fun. My buddies university 4th year final involved drawing a train sprite moving from the left side to the right side of the screen...